Artist/animator/VA demon, on a mission to yassify Newgrounds… or something like that. Icon by @CaptainStevie!!

Lils @CheddarExuberant

they/them thingy

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The pits of Hell

Joined on 2/27/21

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So I went to the Somerville meet with my boyfriend @CaptainStevie and my friend @thesteves and holy FUCK. What a blast.

Brought some stickers with me!


The stickers were a hit, though I probably should’ve left some more out instead of handing them to people lol. Still liked seeing people’s reaction to my stickers!

One of the first things we did was meet up with @RavioliBox where we did some pre-meet exploring. There’s a kickass comic shop near the arcade as well as a retro gaming store (with a cute doggy!). There were no Super Famicom games there but they did have a wall of working gachapon machines!

Also mega props to @blakenator9872 for keeping the bit he proposed in the server and actually showing up dressed like a kid with a big lollipop. I’m so glad there was a breeze that day to move your hat’s propellor lmfao


A bit of my sketchbook vandalism! Someone brought a Tylenol branded Sharpie. I pretended to sniff it in an attempt at a joke (whether it was actually funny is up for interpretation lol) and accidentally got a bit of the fumes. Didn’t get high at least.


Y’all gotta play Atari’s Battlezone it fucking ROCKS. Was disappointed Yestercade’s Donkey Kong 3 machine doesn’t work properly, I was ready to show my skills at it lol. Took part in air hockey, which… got really intense in some games. I only did 2, won one of those which was better than I expected. My arm was sore from that going home that night lmfao


Steve wore his fursuit (Steel) and I was so so happy to see how well received it was!

Even got a selfie with @TomFulp!

Later that night I went with @thesteves, @NickSenny and a group of others to The Village Brewery. Highly recommend it, it’s expensive but the cheesesteak is GODLY.

All in all, hot damn that was a fun day. It was great seeing the people behind the screen and connecting more with the community. I definitely will be coming to future meets, got my eyes set on Toronto next year. I hope to see y’all in Canada too!


(Left to right: @CaptainStevie, me, @Dungeonation, @thesteves. Photo credit @Dungeonation)

With love,

CheddarExuberant <3


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